Setting Eligible Activities

Setting Eligible Activities

Scavenger Hunt rewards users for performing specific actions within Confluence and Jira. However, we must admit that Scavenger Hunt is not actually a hunt in the traditional sense. Instead, we use some fancy math to simulate a scavenger hunt, which has many programmatic advantages but a few coolness downsides. We apologize for the let down, but we believe that system performance and fairness are more important than pretending to be out in the field with a map and a compass.

Reward 'increments' are granted to users performing selected actions based on random probability. You can turn on and off eligible activities for both Confluence and Jira, as well as adjust the probability of reward increments for each eligible activity.

This allows for higher cost activities, such as page and blog creation, to be rewarded more frequently, while lower cost ones, such as likes and comments, are less frequently rewarded.

By adjusting the probabilities, you can create a reward system that encourages users to perform the actions that are most beneficial to your team or organization.

Confluence Options and Defaults

Jira Options and Defaults