Scavenger Hunt for Confluence and Jira

Scavenger Hunt for Confluence and Jira

Thank you for using Scavenger Hunt!

We are excited to offer a unique rewards system that allows users to earn rewards in increments and redeem them once all increments are earned. This feature ensures that users are consistently motivated to complete tasks and contribute to team projects, while also providing a tangible goal to work toward.


With Scavenger Hunt, users can earn rewards by completing tasks and contributing to team projects. Each task or contribution is assigned a certain number of reward increments, which can be earned by completing the task or contribution successfully. Once all the increments for a particular reward have been earned, the user can then redeem the reward.

This reward system is fully customizable, allowing you to create your own rewards and set the number of increments required to earn them. You can also specify the types of tasks and contributions that are eligible for earning increments toward a particular reward.


In this documentation, we will guide you through the setup and configuration of the rewards system in Scavenger Hunt, as well as provide best practices for creating rewards that motivate and engage your team. So let's get started and start earning those rewards!

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